Sheriff Sarah

Sheriff Sarah

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Well, I said we would be revisiting this subject and I figured this was a good time. While we do have a pretty good insurance plan, since it will cost at least about $500k for the transplant, we are looking at ways we can raise money to pay for transplant-related expenses, which can include things that occur well after the actual transplant. Plus, if it were to occur in the next month and a half, I would have to be off work unpaid. The social worker at Children's actually asked us to consider this as expenses can mount pretty quickly and unexpectedly.

I want to ask those of you who are interested in either giving or potentially being part of a fundraising team to check out This is the group we are considering using to facilitate fundraising. You can either email me your personal response, call me, or make a comment here. 

We know God is in control and is our Provider but we want to explore all the vehicles He has made available so we are prepared. Thanks so much for your continued love and support.

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