Sheriff Sarah

Sheriff Sarah

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thankfulness...and awaiting more biopsy results

I started to write a blog entry about all the things I was thankful for yesterday but the document was accidentally deleted. Instead of attempting to recapture some of the words, I'll keep it short and sweet.

I'm thankful for my wife, Patty, an incredible woman who makes this life of adventure worthwhile. Without her, it would be a dull and lonely amusement ride. You're the glue that keeps us all partially sane amidst continual insanity and chaos.

I'm thankful for the four blessings God has given us: Arianna, Caleb, Katarina and Sarah. They have been resilient time and time again in the face of adversity. I cherish each one of them for the gifts God has imparted to them.

I'm thankful for both sets of parents, who have been available without question in time of need. It's a blessing for our kids to know their grandparents and share precious memories.

I'm thankful for the Body of Christ whose face has shown the brilliance of our Savior time and again in the constant turmoil of our lives the past two years. We are so grateful it's difficult to put into words.

I'm thankful for God unlocking the talent of writing within me. It has released so much from my life and has been a balm as I walk through Sarah's health issues.

I'm thankful for the writers I've met the past two years who have become dear friends; and for the friends, both near and far, who have shared their hearts, concerns and hurts through the years.

I'm thankful for our other family: those who have children with liver issues. These liver families have become part of our own as we share in rejoicing amid triumphs and crying in times of trials. You are precious to us. Some of you have become very close to our family and we dearly love you. (I think you know who you are!)


Sarah update:
Tuesday was clinic day and fortunately the snow had subsided enough to allow Patty to safely travel to and from Seattle Children's. Because the rash on her body and face had gotten so out of control, they took a chest x-ray. Then Marsha, our transplant coordinator, at the urging of the main doctor ordered a biopsy of the skin on her back. Sarah was able to get right in for that, partially due to the weather, I'm sure. So again we wait...probably until the Monday. Why a skin biopsy you ask? Apparently some of these rashes can simply attributed to the viruses she is attempting to fight off and will eventually go away as the EBV dissipates. However, there is also something called graft vs host. While this primarily occurs in bone marrow transplant recipients it has a 15% chance of occurring in a solid organ transplant recipient.

Graft vs host as we understand it is where the antibodies from the new liver attack the host body instead of the immune system attacking the liver. It's wild stuff but the doc was concerned enough to order the biopsy. As always your prayers are appreciated.

Happy Thanksgiving, all!

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