Sheriff Sarah

Sheriff Sarah

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Opposite of Sunny News

You know, I'm not normally a pessimist. Yesterday, in fact, things were very rosy as we learned Sarah wouldn't have to visit Seattle Children's for a month. Alas, I should have known something was up. Our ride has rarely been that smooth since her transplant in late April 2009.

So...Patty calls awhile ago and informs me that Sarah's EBV is up over 8000, her highest level ever. There is no immediate need to panic. The transplant team advised a reduction in her tacrolimus - the primary anti-rejection med - and for us to keep an eye on flu-like symptoms. You know, too much sleeping, different kind of stool, runny nose, etc.

If she doesn't show any signs, then the reduced tac dosage should be sufficient to hold out for two weeks - when we would have to get labs again. If she does show signs, then obviously we would...oh, I just can't say it...go into Children's for a brief stay. You can be praying that does NOT happen, and that all goes well for these two weeks. You can also pray for my sanity...and that the darned pessimistic thoughts don't pop up again.

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you and Sarah Ann and all your family today!

    On the trail in ID,
    Stephen & Janet Bly
