Sheriff Sarah

Sheriff Sarah

Monday, September 10, 2012

Four Years...

Today Sarah turns four. I’m continually amazed by the speed with which time passes. How in the world has she gone from the beautiful little angel battling a terrible disease to a cute & feisty little girl ready to enter preschool?

Sarah’s been enjoying the longest trouble free time of her post-transplant journey. At times, it’s hard to believe she even had a transplant. Or that she battled biliary atresia. And that she could have died. I’m not trying to be melodramatic. The journey seemed so surreal itself and now this “quiet” time is beginning to resemble it.

It’s not that I’ve forgotten what happened. I never will. Writing a book about the experience doesn’t allow me the luxury of setting those memories aside, either. If anything they can seem fresher than they were almost four years ago.
We celebrate all our kids birthdays with equal vigor but there’s still something different about Sarah’s special day. And there always will be. We’re only blessed with our children for a short duration. It will end up being a short part, in terms of years, in our lives and hopefully theirs.

It’s important to me that each celebration be just that: a celebration of life, joy, love and gratefulness.

Happy Birthday, Sarah!

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