Sheriff Sarah

Sheriff Sarah

Monday, September 26, 2011

Celebrations and Transitions

Sunday we spent time with some dear friends sharing communion and a meal. One of the couples will be moving out of the area and it was a time to share stories, laughs and food before they leave. It’s a difficult time for me, personally, as they’ve both shared in many aspects of my life and my family’s life. A new chapter begins for them and I can envision great things ahead of them. I’ll miss them but realize God has bigger plans in mind for them. Their willing hearts to serve wherever they go are inspiring and I hope someday to reflect that same heart.

One week ago, my wife and I celebrated our 12th wedding anniversary. It’s amazing to consider how much time has passed and all that’s changed in our lives. Four little munchkins invaded our home at different stages over time, each one a beautiful addition and challenge. Somehow I’ve gotten older and my hair grayer. I’ve worked more jobs than I’d care to admit and have been laid off twice. I went from dreaming of writing to actually developing a habit of writing daily. We’ve survived Sarah’s illness and transplant. Through it all, my lovely wife, Patty, has stood with me, sharing this journey through life.

So, yes, it’s a time to celebrate. I’m celebrating the friendships that will change but not end. I’m celebrating a marriage I hope endures for another 40 years. I’m celebrating my kids growing, learning and their creativity & resourcefulness. It’s also a time of transition as we look to the future. Yes, I’m searching for a new job but there’s also the stories I believe I need to tell through my writing. There’s watching my oldest child begin the 4th grade and realize she’s growing ever closer to becoming a young woman. My parents and in-laws are growing older and their health is no longer at an optimum level. I would never say I’m experiencing a midlife crisis but it’s definitely time of change. So the question is this: Do I choose to embrace that change and what’s behind door #1, relying on God to lead me along His path for my life? O do I choose to lament where life may be headed and take my chances with door #2? It can be frustrating and challenging in certain moments but I think I’ll stick with door #1.

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