Sheriff Sarah

Sheriff Sarah

Thursday, July 29, 2010

August is "Meet Our Little Liver Friends" Month

Ok, so that's not an official celebration but it will be on the blog! My goal is to feature two or three kids each week for the entire month of August. I'm thinking that will not be very difficult considering all the families we have met online and in person at Seattle Children's.

Some of the delightful children you will be meeting include:

Olivia - 14 year old battling through her second liver transplant who also has cystic fibrosis.

Austin - a little guy from Southern California who is hanging in there while awaiting a transplant.

Jax - on the other side of a transplant and doing well.

Cora - a dear baby girl we met while at Seattle Children's. Her family has to travel from Montana for their clinic visits and any worrisome issues.

And there is Braeden, our little buddy, who finally returned home following his transplant and some up & down days.

If you don't already have the blog bookmarked or are set up to receive feeds, you will want to do so for August. These kids will charm your socks off!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Time to head back to College...Psych!

Yes, that's right, friends. After a two-year self-imposed (and wise, considering the circumstances) hiatus from school, I am headed back. I was just accepted to Northwest University LEAP program in Kirkland. LEAP is essentially their bachelor's program for working adults.

It may surprise some of you to learn the degree I will be pursuing: Psychology. I will admit that I haven't really considered that degree until about a month ago. Perhaps God gave me this time off from school to show me what direction I should go. The short version is that through times of contemplation, prayer and reading, I kept coming back to a degree that would serve others and that would be multi-faceted in terms of career options. Psychology is one of those degrees. I feel compelled to pursue something that will benefit others. As I read and listen to other liver families and their struggles & strains, I can't think of a more tangible degree. Additionally, this is a HUGE stretch for me. I will be completely out of my comfort zone with this program which is right where God wants me. I could have easily fallen back on an online political science or business degree. For once in my life, I am sensing clear direction from God (not that He has never provided direction before; its just very clear) and I need to follow it.

In the coming months, I will share my experiences via the blog as it becomes more of a journal of my life. There will still be plenty about Sarah's continuing adventures but also about being a parent, writing and those other beautiful liver kids!

Stay if life wasn't interesting enough...strap yourselves in, folks. I'm ready for a wild ride. How about you?

Monday, July 26, 2010

"Yes, I'm Still here", or "Some Thoughts Regarding the Blog"

I was reminded today that it has been almost a full month since I updated the blog. For us, the saying "no news is good news" applies. Sarah was able to fight off her EBV and all numbers have returned to normal. She has another clinic visit this Thursday but there's no reason (knock on wood) to believe anything distressing will come back from labs.

As I've been swallowed up by preparing for a writer's workshop in August and finally reaching a decision about returning to college and which degree to pursue, I have also been considering where to go with this blog. Patty and I have been closely monitoring many liver families via Facebook for a few months now. It started out with just our local friends we met at Seattle Children's, a few through the Liver Families website and via our liver family "networkers" Cari and Beth.

I'd like to take some time for a month to introduce some of these wonderful children and their families to you. We have been blessed to be part of their lives, even in some small way. Just knowing what other families are going through has energized to pray more and to encourage others that much more. It has also inspired us to continue to get the word out regarding liver diseases. While biliary atresia is the one that strikes a chord closest to home, there are so many others that hit babies and toddlers. I hope to relate some information about each in the coming days as we draw closer to the Seattle Liver Walk for Life on September 26.

I hope you will frequent the blog more often between now and then so you can meet some of the beautiful children: Olivia, Jax, Orlando, Braeden and others. Many you may already know and others you may not. If you are on Facebook, I encourage you to seek out these people. Prayers and encouragement can never be underestimated.