We are all set for our little sweetie pie's first birthday celebration. Details are below. If you need any further information or need to RSVP, please respond to the blog, shoot one of us a message in Facebook or email/call us! Hope to see you there and thanks for all your prayers and blessings.
Date: September 7 (Labor Day)
Time: approx 10:30am to 5pm
Place: Forest Park in Everett
Location: the covered picnic area right next to the big playground!
What to bring: If you plan on staying with us for awhile, some food and/or drink item would be appreciated to share. I plan on BBQing burgers and hot dogs but if you want something else, I (or my fellow BBQers) will be happy to grill it. But in essence, NOTHING is required to attend. We are just looking forward to celebrating Sarah's birthday and God's blessing upon her young lfe.
Kirk and Patty